Today I learned - the defination of : TWINKs, TWUNKs & TWEAKs
Type Breakdown: Younger, slender gay men that have little or no body or facial hair; typically self-obsessed
In gay terms, twinks are younger, slim men with minimal body hair and no hair on the face. They’re usually between 18 and the mid-20’s, give or take a few years. A wrap on the twink is that many think the world revolves around them.
Type Breakdown: Similar to twinks but a lot more muscular
Twunks are a more muscular version of twinks, and some have assigned feminine and masculine characteristics to twunks. For example, sugar twunk describes an affectionate twunk.
Some make the mistake of confusing twinks and twunks with TWEAKERS when they’re actually not related. Tweakers are younger gay men that use party drugs, like E and crystal meth and are very thin as a result of not eating enough. However, one does not need to be a tweaker to tweak.
cheers Karl
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1st TWINK:
3rd TWEAK:
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